The Bristol - Library

The Bristol - Library

The Bristol Library is a collection of donated books organized by the volunteer Bristol Librarian.  The library is intended for the reading pleasure and convenience of the Bristol residents.  Books are borrowed on an honor system.  Residents are encouraged to return books to the designated table.

The library is located on the ground floor level at the front elevator. The collection includes newer popular fiction and a limited selection of general nonfiction and biography.  Newer additions and featured books are displayed on easels and specific shelves.

Book donations may be placed on the lower shelf of the library return table.  Those wishing to donate more than five (5) books should make arrangements with the librarian.  Due to limited space some donated books may not be incorporated into the collection.

The Bristol, Inc.
154 North Bellefield Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

© Michael Gold 2018

Information is provided for use of Bristol owners only.
No commercial use of this information is permitted.